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Eat Sleep Pipe Repeat

Eat Sleep Pipe Repeat
Eat Sleep Pipe Repeat
Eat Sleep Pipe Repeat
Eat Sleep Pipe Repeat
Eat Sleep Pipe Repeat
Prix hors taxes : 18,00€
  • Disponibilité: 8
  • Modèle: H-BKKW01

Détails du produit

EAT SLEEP PIPE REPEAT is the new collection of bagpipe music by Kyle Warren. The book consists of 50 tunes, of which 42 are by Kyle. These include 34 new compositions, and 8 arrangements of modern and classic pipe tunes, with the original tunes also being published in the book from the famous composers such as Gordon Duncan, Chris Armstrong, Mark Saul and more!

This book is all about driving jigs, reels and hornpipes! Whilst a nice mix of strathspeys, dances, slow airs and a few light marches complete the collection. The book consists of tunes suitable for all players, from pipe band competition field to the folk music stage, or for having a wee tune at home!

The book includes tunes played by some of the best pipe bands in the world; Field Marshall Montgomery, Inveraray and District, Scottish Power Pipe Band and more!

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