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Highland Bagpipe Tutor Book 1 with Practice Chanter

Highland Bagpipe Tutor Book 1 with Practice Chanter
Highland Bagpipe Tutor Book 1 with Practice Chanter
Highland Bagpipe Tutor Book 1 with Practice Chanter
Highland Bagpipe Tutor Book 1 with Practice Chanter
Highland Bagpipe Tutor Book 1 with Practice Chanter
Prix hors taxes : 50,00€
  • Disponibilité: 1
  • Modèle: H-BKCOPPK

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Détails du produit

An excellent starter pack for all ages, this includes the Highland Bagpipe tutor book 1 and an R.G. Hardie & Co. Twist-Trap practice chanter and reed. 


Our tried-and-tested and Twist-Trap practice chanter, available in three sizes, with a plain finish and countersunk holes. An excellent choice for a beginner, and complete with reed.


Formerly College of Piping Tutor 1,  2019 - Edition.

In May 2018 the National Piping Centre incorporated the College of Piping. 

For 2019 there is a NEW Cover for the famous "Green Tutor", the College of Piping Tutor 1. This exciting modern look continues the longevity of the excellent information contained within.

This is the perfect bagpipe tutor book providing bagpipe lessons for beginners onwards. Bagpipers and bagpipe teachers refer to this bagpipe tutor book as "the Green Book"

First produced in 1952, this book by the College of Piping's then Joint Principals Seumas MacNeill and Thomas Pearston, is by far the biggest selling book on learning to play the bagpipe ever issued, selling to date around 500,000 copies worldwide.

This is the book that has guided the progression of thousands of learners from the basic techniques to successfully mastering the great highland bagpipe.

In this latest edition (summer 2017), the book’s original integrity has been maintained – a testament to the authors’ clarity, coherence, and ‘connection’ with the learner – whilst taking cognisance of current PDQB guidelines. 

There are accompanying videos to go along with the chapters in this book. They can be found on The National Piping Centre website here.

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